This is a new novel just published by Carol Lawlor. Set in 1960s Montreal, Lost Souls is about Tanya Kowalski, a psychiatric nurse who suspects that the great Dr. Strachan is abusing his patients. When she turns journalist and teams up with Max Callaghan to investigate Strachan, she uncovers the use of LSD, links to the U. S. Central Intelligence Agency, and psychiatric survivors who are determined to bring Strachan to justice.
I've had the privilege of reading Carol's work in draft form, and I can vouch for the quality of this story. The atmosphere is vividly realized, the characters are well drawn, and the tension is nonstop. I also laughed a lot reading it--comic relief is very important for me.
I'm not a reviewer and rarely plug books in a public forum, but you will not be disappointed if you pick up Lost Souls.